Mobina Jamali

I'm a roboticist and machine learning researcher who loves to give robots the taste of our intelligence!

AUV Motion Planning & Control

Undergraduate Thesis Project:"Advancing the Control for a Highly Maneuverable Autonomous Underwater Robot"

Panda Manipulator TD3

Teaches manipulator robot, Panda, to open the door using Reinforcement Learning (Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3))


Teaches AI to Play Super Mario Using Reinforcement Learning (Double Deep Q Learning Algorithm)

Smart Face Recognition System

Performs real-time facial recognition with high accuracy.

Document Scanner

Creates real-time document scanner using computer vision.

Cosmic Explorer

Explores the cosmos through analyzing the SDSS large-scale astronomical survey and training classifiers to explore celestial objects based on their properties.

Wordle Game App

Creates Wordle game for gussing correct five-letter words with provided feedbacks.

Chat-Mingle Telegram Bot

Connects individuals together from diverse backgrounds giving the possibility to hang out and explore.